Gadgets used in AR and VR environments are quite different from each other. As discussed last time when compared both the Realities we can easily differentiate out the requirements. From the very beginning, I would differentiate the software requirement between both AR and VR. The one thing common in both Realities is the Unity software which is used in both to create the game or application. To create a VR application we need some plugins in the Unity game engine, plugins like the XR plugin, Open XR, XR toolkit, and Open VR plugin in these Open VR plugins can help you create VR game that will give you the experience of virtual reality without wearing any of the VR headsets. Talking of VR hardware virtual reality needs hardware like VR headsets, VR suits, and also VR controllers, that's not all many companies are producing special gadgets that are dedicated to VR gaming for eg. VR Treadmill by Omni VR and a lot more. To be more specific VR actually needs really lots and tons of Hardware requirements, for in-depth HMD ( head-mounted display ) like PSVR, Oculus rift, are the ones which are considered to be the most high-end HMDs. An HMD really helps a lot to track our head's position it has some of the sensors which help to track our head and our position with the help of a head position tracker device. Another type of VR hardware is the CAVE ( Cave Automatic Virtual Environment ) VR in this, the hardware is the whole room a six-sided room which has some of the trackers attached to it which helps the VR device top track the whole users position and the area covered with which the device can generate a virtual environment around the user.
Cave VR
AR requirements -
AR or augmented reality has literally less requirement of the hardware when compared to VR, AR has most probably the major use of the software more than any hardware, this is because AR hasn't developed much when compared to VR and not only that AR is actually used to create a virtual image or an object on to the real world, just like the image down below.
Augmented Reality
For AR as said Unity game engine is the common software, the plugin is the only difference, for the plugin AR core ( for MAC) AR plugin (For Windows) is being used in the unity game engine. While talking about the hardware difference AR needs only one thing and that is the Smartphone and all other tracking and contouring of the area and the object is done by the Unity inbuilt plugin. Thus we can say that VR is the most hardware as well as software demanding technology. As of now, VR is a growing technology compared to AR. So what could be the future of AR?
For the VR project head over to this - VR
For the AR project head over to this - AR