Haptics has almost become the most important and must use hardware in any kind of device . Actually speaking haptics can be majorly used for people with inability of vision and hearing . Normally haptics that's why made to make people feel the virtual stuff . Thus haptics can be used in many things and one of them is my today's normally asked question .
How haptic technology can be used in travel company?
Travel company can help their co-workers and employees to train them via virtual experience of traveling in VR . They can even test their work ability by putting them through a virtual travel scenario and observe the employees reaction on that scenario . All this is possible because of haptics and VR especially haptics and why ? Because VR will help the user to go through the scenario as if it is real and haptics will help by immersing the user in to the virtual world with the help of real life like haptic feedback for eg. The travel company driver driving the bus so haptic will help the user as if he is really holding the steering wheel and if the bus gets jerk in VR then the haptic will make it feel the same to the user . Thus it is clear why and how haptics can play a major role in travel companies too .