
           Dimension is all about measuring objects which involves numbers and their schemes. There are many different levels of dimension which include 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, and the list goes on. The difference between all the dimensions is simple as we move to greater dimensions different non-physical parameters become physical just like in 4D time is the physical property but there is a certain limit to that too and it is we can use the time in 1D format and that is we can move back and front in time not left not right to make it possible we have to move on to 5D where we can use time in 2D format and in 6D we use time totally in 3D format and it is just like "time traveling is an infant's play ". Just like that the higher we go the higher the changes to use all the parameters as a physical quantity. Moving into different dimensions is just like moving into a different universe as the parameters totally change as we move to a different universe as the dimension is mainly dependent on the permutation combination. Dimension things are all messed up we cannot move to different dimensions unless and until every molecule and particle of our body moves to a different dimension which can totally change our physical appearances there in other dimensions as many of us may know this through MARVEL COMICS. 

Move behind the number line - 

         Talking of the different dimensions which are basically adding up in number lines is there any dimension in negative format like -1D, -2D, -3D, and so on and so forth. For now, let's talk about a basic number line in which moving forward in the +ve axis gives you a higher value, and in the -ve axis as we move backward we get a higher value it's just as simple as that. In dimension, I guess it's just the same and it must be the same and that is supposed if there exists dimension till 10D then on the negative side -1D will have the property of 10D but in an inverse way, and -10D will inversely have the property of 1D. Is that true? the answer to this is not fully sure as moving into a number quadrant is not a physical parameter for us as a 3-D creature in simple words for us 3D dimension is not totally a physical quantity but for the creature maybe be 10D dimension itself is too a physical parameter due to which it can move back and forth in all possible dimensions like I said dimension is about quantum physics as to move to different dimension it also depends on all molecular and atomic parameters too, and it is also based totally on permutation combination. 

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Can we experience other dimensions? -  

        Now comes computational power in this aspect now there is just a countable number of 4D games till now and the thing is the only aspect to experience 4D is through Virtual Reality and the major thing is we can only just watch things and not physically feel any of the 4D objects even through VR. This is obvious that there is no such definite thing to make us feel dimensions. There is one way and as I said the concept of dimensions is also dependent on quantum physics which makes us come to the point of using quantum computers. Quantum computers are those computers that run using real transmons, and iontraps which are measured in qubits where whereas normal computers use binary numbers and and measured in bits. With the help of the physical qubits in Quantum computers, we can use them by programming to move from one dimension to another dimension. CAN THIS BE POSSIBLE?