Movie on Augmented Reality.
We can play a full movie through augmented reality at home, as the process is a little technical and complicated. I guess there are no particular AR applications available neither for Android nor iOS. Looking at this situation I can clearly say that the dream of watching the movie on AR at home will just remain a dream. But don't worry we have solutions for every problem. With the help of the Unity game engine, we can build an easy peasy online AR chrome browser from where we can watch our favorite online movie on AR. The second method is to build an AR media player like VLC which will run on AR. For this, we need some of the coding skills of C# so that we can add the browser into AR with the help of google's very own " Android System WebView " this enables the user to use the browser without leaving the currently viewing application which will help you to serve the information you want without going to the browser and staying into another app inshort " having a bed tea ".
With talking all of these we got all the tools we need to build an AR browser which will help us to play the movie online via AR. Now whats left is the main software made for AR app building inside Unity and that is Vuforia for android with which we can build AR application with some simple lines of code. For beginners you can download the project and make yours own from the help of this github project - AR BROWSER . We will surely performing a detailed AR project on my github repository soon.